Years 10-13 Enrolments are still open until 17 October 2024.
Please note Year 9 Out of Zone enrolments are now closed.
Important Dates for Year 9 2025 Enrolments
Monday 22 July - Enrolment applications open online and online bookings available for Open Night.
We are likely to have 170 spaces for out of zone applications. This will depend on how many in zone applications are received.
Thursday 25 July - In-school roadshow for smaller and rural schools. See flyer on this page.
Monday 29 July - Roadshow visit to Monrad Intermediate and Ross Intermediate.
Tuesday 30 July - Roadshow visit to PNINS.
Tuesday 6 August - Open Night
Monday 26 August - Closing date for Year 9 enrolment; online applications must be received on this day.
Wednesday 28 August - Ballot for out of zone places if required
Thursday 29 August - Offer of place email sent
Thursday 12 September - Final date for parents to accept or decline offer of enrolment for out of zone placements. Login details sent to choose Year 9 options
Wednesday 18 September and Thursday 19 September - Introductory assessments Year 8
N.B. These are different to the dates in our Prospectus.
Whānau will be emailed information about our assessment mornings shortly after enrolments have closed.
Important Dates for Years 10-13 2025 Enrolments
Monday 22 July - Enrolments open
As part of the requirements in operating our enrolment scheme we are obliged to indicate the likely number of places available at each year level for out of zone students. This can be a difficult number to determine as it is affected by both in zone applications and by the number of current students who return for tuition the following year. Please be aware that based on the above-mentioned factors actual out of zone places may differ from the number advertised.
We have listed below how many out of zone places we think we are likely to have for 2025. In all cases, online enrolments need to be received by the dates listed.
Year 10 - likely out of zone places = 10
Year 11 - likely out of zone places = 20
Year 12 - likely out of zone places = 6
Year 13 - likely out of zone places = 20
Friday 26 September - Announcement of likely spaces to be available at years 10 to 13
Thursday 17 October - Year 10 - 13 Enrolments for 2025 close
Monday 21 October - Ballot held for out of zone Year 10-13 places if required
Tuesday 22 October - Offer of place sent out
Monday 4 November - Final date for parents to accept or decline offer of enrolment